

I see my dad’s almost-fitted black jacket
Hanging on the doorknob
Its shoulder sags and lays flat against inquisitive mirrored glass
For what it has to handle: the floods of salt water seeping through pressed creases

Not the real mother
But surely not the fake
Took him in
Ever since a bundle of lonely and “why”s
Ever since the ‘real’ left the burden he was

I feel it
That drop of the heart, not the stomach
When you tense and lap up tears and box the screams and drag bitten nails across thighs
Till blood screams the hate for you

The mind perception’s
Is all it takes
And weight of my hell in heaven
Is the weight of an almost-fitted black jacket


People say: life’s not fair
And call it a day;
You better suck it up
Because your string of thoughts and opinions and yearn for mercy
Will only always remain just string
Those disabled will be chained to the roots on the ground
Those dyed of organic color will be burned on crosses of high hell
When those with vaginas end opinions with periods instead of question marks
The only response will be: she’s sensitive. period. she’s on her

Life’s not fair
They say
Just go with the flow
But my river is closed canals and me drowning in it
Nail-less fingers reaching for tangible dreams in space
Reality’s smile as it clamps down on veins of now finger-less knuckles
The story repeats the sequence of nonterminal numbers
3.14159 two
Many times I’ve been told to shut my squinty eyes
You’re too beige for bright futures
Your bo–bs-
I mean, your body wasn’t made for this sport, this game
You’re a game
So I’ll play with you

Life’s not fair
A phrase too cliché to ignore
Three words that dictate mine
A definite ending in a finite world
Life’s not fair
Doesn’t it seem unfinished?
Yet we never thought to change it
To delete
To add on
because a revolution’s a scary thing
They say
Let’s put it on the back burner
They say
Hope it ashes into nothing
Let them forget
While slaves are sold with screws in their ears
While six million Jews die on train tracks
While girly property is dismantled into bucks for girl-ier men
While the “greatest innovation yet”-
While the internet creates another platform for virtual harassment for all

Welcome to the real world
My daughter
My son
My friend
Life will not be fair
I will tell you to suck it up
But please be the first to spit it out

